
Health Charities

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Health charities are non-profit groups that help the sick and physically-challenged people. The help can range from footing hospital bills to promotin

Animal Charities

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Animal charities aim to improve the welfare of animals through direct care provision to needy creatures and creation of animal cruelty awareness. Thes

Educational Charities

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Charity is based on the idea of making the world a better place, and there is perhaps no better way to achieve this than to equip the younger generati

Hollywood’s Most Charitable Celebrities

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Hardly anyone under the sun makes more money than Hollywood’s famous stars. A single movie fetches them more money than most people will make in a lif

Bill Gates Charity

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With someone like Bill Gates, charity reaches new levels. This man has redefined generosity, giving it a whole new meaning. To him, supporting charity

How to Know if a Charity Is Legitimate

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Telling if a charity is legitimate is critical, especially when it comes to making a donation. It helps to know if your money is being used for the ex

Environmental Charities

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Environmental charities have a focus on sustainable development, appreciation, and preservation of the environment. If you are passionate about the en